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The Navy’s Flagship responsible drinking Campaign
We will be Using this as our main tool in teaching and educating about Drinking Responsibly. We are not re-inventing what the Navy has set in place, however we will look for ways to excell and expand this program. Below is and exerpt of the website:
About Keep What You’ve Earned
The Keep What You’ve Earned campaign seeks to encourage responsible drinking among Sailors by celebrating the achievements in their Navy careers. Through recognition of their hard work and dedication, Sailors are reminded of their accomplishments—and how much they have to lose if they make poor choices regarding alcohol. The campaign actively engages Sailors as advocates for responsible drinking.
MISSION: To protect Sailors and increase Force readiness by creating a responsible drinking environment in the Navy.
Objectives Inform Sailors on what it means to drink responsiblyEducate Sailors about the consequences of poor decisions regarding alcoholPromote and encourage alternatives to drinkingEnable leadership to assist with Sailor educationCreate partnerships with Navy and civilian programs focused on Sailor well-being.